norton mass Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 1 Reviews

Norten Rez

great day on the water we launched @7:30 and fished till 5:00 It was fairly calm when we started out but soon the wind came out of the south to the north I was useing senkos and killing um untill the wind realy picked up and my bit fell offf dave was swithhing from spoons to red and blk 7.5 culprit worms I got prob. 6, 2 1/2- 3LBs and 4 or 5 pickeral. but dave stole the day (all day) he had at least 10 keepers from 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 with prob 10 pickeral up to 4 LBS. no pics as of yet dave has a new camera and hasent figured out how to post. for you car toppers head to the north side all the good bass we got were from the north side

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  • Nice job! Sounds like a good day on the water. Can't beat steady action.

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