10/17/12 01:19 AM

jessekayboston Fileting some striped bass and snapper blues
nofx99 That striped bass don't look 28 ?
jessekayboston Dude, why are there so many haters on this Goddamn website? It's more than 28". This fish was over 30". It's bent to fit into a smaller sink.

Check the filet knife. Without the handle, the blade is 7" long which almost was as long as the head up to the gills. Take those heads and follow the spine all the way down to the tail which is bent up facing me. Well over 28".
jessekayboston And if you wanna continue to b**** and moan, and give negative ratings because I got one and you didn't, here is that same fish right after being caught: http://www.mafishfinder.com/view_photo_details.php?id=34923&pid=6
chevin37 i dont think he was "hating" the picture just makes it seem small. no biggie

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