03/15/13 07:59 PM

bassinbrooksy Foul hooked a big carp at indian lake today while slow rolling a big pike spoon on the bottom not once but twice in the same spot. I felt a huge weight then release and both times my spoon came back with a scale stuck to the treble. That's plus one to the other 4 places in that lake that I know carp congregate
muskiebigfish sharpen your hooks Brooks
deaffisherman Nice scale! mirror carp's scale or common carp? (I never caught mirror carp before nor seen live one)

Muskiebigfish - sharp hooks don't always landed carp if it was snagged. I had occasion that happened to me due to late hook up. Anyway, they always break free even my sharpest hook. so, I guess that scales are impossible to snagged if you even tried. (I never tried so I don't know if it was fact or not)
bassinbrooksy Pretty sure its a mirror carp, I'm not positive that Indian lake has common carp but I see mirror carp all the time. A lot of dead ones about perch size wash up.on shore after winter, the place is full of em

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