07/21/13 02:31 AM

missmonsterfish He was tiny and rather silly. I caught him twice. He was about 8 inches and cute as anything.
bassinbrooksy Looks like a horn pout ( yellow bullhead) which according to the internet are catfish but according to all my weirdo friends they are not catfish cause they don't have a forked tail lol. Be careful when handeling themthe dorsal and pectoral fins have a sharp boney barb covered in a mild venom that hurts like a mother if u get stung. I hate catching them ever since I was stung in the finger I'm afraid of holding them lol
missmonsterfish So technically for the type of catfish he is I caught a rather large one. lol
bassinbrooksy 2 lbs is a pin fish lol so anything a pound or more is a pretty respectable size hornpout. State record is only about 6 lbs.
chefrich was this at turtle pond?
missmonsterfish It sure was. I think I actually caught the same one twice. He wasn't very bright.
missmonsterfish And yeah@bassinbroo.sy I used to be a monster fishkeeper and we had cats and freshwater stingrays. I was terrified of cleaning the ray tank.

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