Are there any good spots in the Plymouth area for shore fishing for something other than sunfish? I know, bass is best by boat but, I don't want to invest until I'm sure my son will stick with fishing.

Posted Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:27 pm

try samsons pond in carver i have caught bass from the shore

Posted Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:50 am

my wife & I have caught lots of trout at Long Pond in Plymouth, but that was in colder weather... there's supposed to be smallmouths in there too, but I've never fished it in the summer. The only shore access is by the boat ramp, unfortunately.

Billington Sea is close to Plymouth too - supposed to be great bass action there... but I dunno about the amount of shore access.

That's one of the things that chaps my hide about alot of waters here in New England(I fish from shore too) - they're almost all surrounded by private property, so access can be pretty limited. Confused

Posted Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:17 am

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