July 20 – Cape Cod Bay

Wednesday I had a trip slated for Cape Cod Bay with Kevin, who was recently hired by the Patriots. Actually, it’s been almost a year to the day that Kevin got word that he was hired by the Pats. Ironically enough he got the phone call while fishing on the Miss Loretta last summer. I was hoping the good mojo would continue!

Almost as soon as we put our tube and worm rigs in the water, Kevin was on with a 35 inch bluefish. Not the target species, but at least there was some life in the area.

10 minutes later, the clicker starts screaming, and Kev’s on! This was no bluefish, and after a lengthy battle, I sank the gaff into a beautiful 25 pound line sider-nice!

Kevin and I fell into a nice routine for the remainder of the trip. Setting lines, pitching eels and boating stripers. When all was said and done, we had 16 keeper bass to our names, all between 20 and 39 pounds.

Of course the highlight of the trip was tripling up on a pot. The first time I have ever successfully managed to hook all three tubes on the same pot. Go me.

I forget what Kevin’s personal best is for striped bass, but this 39 pounder must of been pretty close to his biggest.

July 21- Cape Cod Bay

This morning was EXTREMELY windy! However we still managed to find the bass amidst the white caps.

Tubes were the ticket today. For some reason the bass ignored the eels-go figure. Final tally was 7 keeper stripers between 25 and 35 pounds. I forgot to take pictures so you’ll just have to take my word on it!

There seems to be a nice class of striped bass moving into the area right now. I still have a few August and September dates available for anyone who would like a shot at these beautiful bass.

For more striped bass reports and fishing articles please visit:


Good luck and tight lines!

Captain Ryan Collins

Posted Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:20 am

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