Sometimes it doesn't matter how nice your boat is, how expensive your equipment is, or how much fishing experience you have. Sometimes you just need to get lucky.

We really lucked out this past trip on numerous fronts. The weather was picture perfect, with calm winds and a clear starlit sky.

We lucked out again when we conveniently happened upon a football sized school of really nice size striped bass. You know it's a big school of fish when you are cruising at 25mph, and you still mark an enormous blob of orange on the fish finder.

I whipped the boat around and had Lauren pitch a few eels off the stern. Within a couple minutes the huge school of bass appeared directly beneath the Miss Loretta's hull (again VERY lucky) and in no time we had the first fish of the night on the line.

After a rather lengthy battle on a small spinning setup with a light drag Lauren got the bass boat-side. The circle hook was right in the corner of the bass' jaw-perfect. A quick weight measurement had the striper pegged at 29lbs-good start!

Hoping that the good luck streak would continue, we headed west for a few hundred yards with fingers crossed that the fish didn't move off into the abyss of Cape Cod Bay. Fortunately we found them again in no time, and were soon doubled up with a couple of healthy 20 pounders.

As I eased one of the fish around to the starboard side of the boat, I noticed an additional 6-10 bass following closely behind the hooked fish. The bass were everywhere!

We soon had our limit of keepers and decided to head for the docks. What a great trip it was with a lot of fish and perfect weather.

Lauren once again cashed in the biggest bass of the night at 29 pounds, and even gaffed another 20 pounder all on her own.

Lets hope the good luck streak continues into this coming week!

Tight lines and good luck out there,

Captain Ryan

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Posted Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:04 pm

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