We were out Tues night at sunset in Gloucester. After all the storms past it became an ideal night for fishing. I know it's too early in the season for stripers, but we couldn't resist the call. So we bought some worms, and mack (that were the size of shiners) blew the dust off the rigs and off we went.
After about an hour of nothing I was convinced it was too early in the season. But of course, as soon as you think you have it all figured out, Tom shouts "Fish ON"! He was dragging around a lead head with a white grub on fresh water gear with 8lb test. After 10 min he finally wrestled this thing to the shore. We all assumed it was a little rat but it turned out to be 25".
We called it a night soon after that satisfied that the season is underway. And not a moment too soon! Happy Fishing!

Posted Thu May 06, 2010 8:10 am

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