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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Tim McIntire's Blog

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Excellent Fishing Da...
Friday, July 3, 2009
Excellent Fishing Day

I spent 3 hours this morning fishing the Upper Mystic, and an hour this afternoon practicing my fly casting.  I miss my kids, but damn, I get some fishing done when they're not around!

It was my first time at the Mystic Lakes, and my goal for the day was to at least start off using something different than my usual bubble and fly.  Expand the comfort zone and all that.  So I led off with a gold Kastmaster (tied on using a double loop instead of the usual improved clinch, because why not try a new knot, too?), but it was pretty obvious pretty fast that it would be useless.  So I switched over to a rubber worm Texas rigged and began fishing that on the bottom.  Got a couple of strikes, but I couldn't set a hook today to save my ass.

I finished off casting a Mickey Finn behind a half-full casting bubble, and I hooked something, but it threw the hook and I missed out.  I was getting pretty close to a couple guys fly fishing from kayaks who looked like they wanted to play through my spot, as it were, so I called it a day.

Came home, watched a Netflix fly fishing video while feeding the baby, and got inspired to go up to the park and practice my fly casting.  I tied on a piece of yarn like everyone says you should and got to work.  Despite hearing the old "catch anything?" joke from every dude who drove by, I actually saw some improvement.  I hit my target a few times, and got close a whole bunch.  Ended up with a bad tangle and figured that was good enough.  I may hit Wrights in the morning just to see if I can catch a fish with the fly gear before heading to Westport for the 4th.

Posted at 03:14 PM


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