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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Hopkinton Reservoir Comments

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User: badlarry
Comment: No worries. And yes they are very different. Definitely no black lateral line. Color can be different depending on depth of water they spend most time in. You will know when u get one.
Date: 07/07/16 09:24 AM

User: frambrett
Comment: I stand corrected, and chastened. I've been told by several people that bass I caught were smallies (including some in deep Maine lakes). I thought there was quite a bit of variation in both coloration and shape. Maybe I've never caught one!
Date: 07/06/16 08:46 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Nope Larry no Sally lol though I've heard people get them now and then in Ashland res. When I thought none were in there.
Date: 07/06/16 06:04 PM

User: oldfisher
Comment: largemouth
Date: 07/06/16 05:46 PM

User: frambrett
Comment: I could be wrong - I generally just look at the jaw and if it doesn't extend beyond the eye I assume it's a smallmouth. Another guy kayak fishing near me caught several and said they were smallmouths as well, and he fishes Hop Rez a lot. Look at this photo and you tell me what you think.

Date: 07/06/16 05:31 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Are u sure those were smallies? Never heard of any caught there and they are not listed. I have fished that place crazy n never caught one.
Date: 07/06/16 05:00 PM

User: frambrett
Comment: Went for an Independence Day paddle with my wife, and put a rod in the kayak, since I've never fished here before. Caught 2 smallmouths one 10", the other 12" while we were hanging out at the back side of the long island down near the dam. One on a jig w/a tube, the other on a perch crankbait. A guy fishing from his kayak caught three in a row nearby on a crawfish crank bait. He told me he's taken LM bass up to 6 lbs out of there. I had thought it was mostly dinks in there. Another guy at the launch when I was leaving said he's caught decent bass there too, so it's not all about the trout!
Date: 07/04/16 08:03 PM

User: trophykayaker
Comment: After work trip on 6/27. Launched my kayak off the cartop access point. Beautiful day. Fished around the 2 islands in the reservoir from 6 - 8 pm. Caught 6 LM Bass. Out of the 6, one was a 2 pounder.
Date: 06/28/11 12:36 PM

User: overstdr
Comment: this is a test message...please ignore.
Date: 03/20/08 03:00 PM

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