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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Field Pond - Andover MA Comments

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User: drinnt
Comment: Indeed I agree...as would Dick's and my tackle box. I have gone through a pack of snap swivels and lost SEVERAL lures transitioning to "shore fishing" - especially in these rocky lakes like Spot. Though I shall hold out for the grand reward and return there today for another beating. The way I look at it - it can only help me improve my gear and ability. If I don't get anything by end of season on Spot then I'll have something different to say. :)
Date: 06/16/11 11:30 AM

User: ma_fisherman
Comment: drinnt- ive been fishing spot a few times recently and that sure is a tough place to fish. deep, clear water with steep banks and rocky ledges that drop off into 25 ft of water. fishing the bottom there can be a nightmare also with all the rocks and boulders to get your lures choked into. I havent had success in my few trips there but a couple of guys on this site have caught some beasts in there and i have also seen pics on other boards of some giant smallies and lgmouth that were caught there so i guess if you work for them there you may be rewarded.
Date: 06/15/11 02:13 PM

User: drinnt
Comment: That's the problem I'm finding with MA, though I do physically SEE nice fish in Spot Pond. For the 15 mile radius of H.Parker it seems there are dozens of ideal habitats but the fish are virtually non-existent. It's like touring a gorgeous museum with no displays. Frustrating. I fished my whole life in Maine and do still - I have to say though...all this work in MA is improving my technique considerably and I kill it when I hit the lake. So - that is good! :)
Date: 06/15/11 01:46 PM

User: ma_fisherman
Comment: the problem with most of the harold parker ponds is that even when the bite is on the place is littered with fish 1lb and under. im sure there are some nice ones in there sumwhere but be damned if i can find em. a lot of pressure on that pond and some take fish outta there while others try to catch and release but use live baits and thus many do not survive after release. It sure does look like great bass water, though i think if you are targeting larger bass there are better bets around.
Date: 06/14/11 01:51 PM

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