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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Drop Shottin' at the Q Comments

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User: grayrider16
Comment: Gate 8 can be cool with all the rocks and deep water, but the smallies in my experience (maybe I just suck at gate 8 LOL) are bigger going out of 43. There is another gate at the north of the reservoir and that one is more shallow and has more weeds, largemouth abound up that way.
Date: 07/25/14 07:30 PM

User: live4fish
Comment: tomp: my mistake. I got lost in the good write up and comments. 9 skunkings would be tough for anyone to go through...
Date: 07/25/14 02:31 PM

User: tomp
Comment: Thanks, grayrider. Next time I'll make the longer trek and be more patient. Do you always go out of Gate 43 or do you ever launch from the others?
Date: 07/25/14 11:29 AM

User: tomp
Comment: Thanks, live4fish but I said 9 skunk-free outings not 9 skunkings. In other words, I had been having some success with the drop shot at Wachusett prior to taking it to Quabbin.
Date: 07/25/14 11:27 AM

User: live4fish
Comment: Well done! Man, I admire your determination... 9 skunkings and sticking with it... You've got a skill that'll pump out fish for a lifetime.

After I get something like that done, I can kick back and enjoy it a little more... bring friends along...etc.

Nice write up.
Date: 07/25/14 11:04 AM

User: grayrider16
Comment: I rent a boat there as well when I go. It's not named, and it looks live every other cove there, so I would have to show you, but there is an awesome cove on the right shoreline about 1/2 mile away from the gate going North. An old farm or something was there and there are 3 rock walls, two underwater and one that runs from shore into the water to meet them. You can reach it in 10-15 minutes in the rental. 1st stop every trip and often best fishing of the day. I take the rental all the way up to Dana Peninsula and across "The Pass" (watch my depth finder go NO READ due to depth) and fish off Russ Mountain which is another trail I found. If winds are high though, usually stuck on eastern side for the day near shore. Quabbin rocks, but man it's a LONG day out there!
Date: 07/24/14 07:07 PM

User: tomp
Comment: Thanks for the input, grayrider! I suspected as much as all the private boats were going beyond where I ventured in my rental. I never made it out as far as the area you mention. Too anxious to get and keep my line in the water sooner rather than later. Good luck on Saturday! I look forward to hearing about the trip!
Date: 07/24/14 06:55 PM

User: grayrider16
Comment: Well that's fantastic trip sir! Well done! The Q don't give up her bass easy in summer. Luckily all the "sight" spawner fishers are LONG gone, man that stuff is annoying.

Smallies tend to school by size, with maybe one or at most 2 fish that are way bigger in the pod. In my experience at the Q (2 trips every year for 17 years) the bigger fish (4 lbs to 6 and over) are loners. They travel most of the day in what I call "trails". Only found two myself, the most consistent is the mouth between Stevens Island and Leveau Island. If you can make passes using the wind as you go over the 30 foot section a bit closer to Stevens I have caught many 5's there and a few 6's. Obviously any time on the water before 7am is best but even if you leave right at 6:20 as 1st in, the best spots are quite a ways from the boat launch. Going Saturday, will see how it goes.
Date: 07/24/14 06:10 PM

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