
Quaker quick oats grab small amount enough to make a ball big enough to cover trebble hooks cast with no weight. My bro inlaw used this to catch some nice carp at blackstone river. I tried it but caught nothing but snappers. Use a fluoro leader with heavy braid. I think my mistake was just going straight braid no leader. That n maybe it was snapper mating season. Corn def legal most carp fisherman chum with it.Draw them in close don't have to cast as far.

Ok I wasn't sure, I know it's illegal in some states.

Posted Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:06 pm


Quaker quick oats grab small amount enough to make a ball big enough to cover trebble hooks cast with no weight. My bro inlaw used this to catch some nice carp at blackstone river. I tried it but caught nothing but snappers. Use a fluoro leader with heavy braid. I think my mistake was just going straight braid no leader. That n maybe it was snapper mating season. Corn def legal most carp fisherman chum with it.Draw them in close don't have to cast as far.

Sorry but how do you get it to stick to the hook though? Whenever I have bait on it's way too light to cast, and when I do cast it goes flying.

Posted Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:10 pm

good carp in the concord river.

Posted Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:30 pm

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