I have tried catching carps in leverett pond in boston near Jamaica plain , but failed. the craps are on the upper surface and are not taking baits. help me.

Posted Sun Jun 24, 2018 11:29 am


I have tried catching carps in leverett pond in boston near Jamaica plain , but failed. the craps are on the upper surface and are not taking baits. help me.

Throw some bread on top of the water and see if they take it - use bobber no weights set about 12'' from the hook - Put some bread on it dont make a ball just light squeeze and you gonna have some Action :Smile

Posted Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:01 pm

Its possible they are spawning. You could try some koi pellets from Shaws to get them feeding. Shaws also, have these square-shaped dental biscuits for cats that are perfect on a hair rig with a size 8 hook. Use a decent length for the hook link and use any standard bubble float to give you the bolt rig elements. They practically hook themselves!! Also, do some homework on zig rigs...looks a bit much for my liking but could be the solution in this instance!

PS. Brookline res has some monsters in it and they love a boilie! Feel for a solid drop anywhere in the middle and get ready. Its a bit awkward when landing it but its good fun!

Posted Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:25 am

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