I also will only use braided line on my baitcaster, went from my least favorite reel the only ones I bring with me most days. I can fling a weightless senko no problem or ties on a 1oz spinner. I’ll never tie anything other than braid on a baitcaster. Higher end reels also help much as others have said, the internal breaks and bearings are more numerous and better which help to prevent those nests.

I asked a guide once how he learned and he said “two years”. Nuf said.

Posted Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:15 am

I also had that Quantum Escalade and returned it. Worked great for the first two outings, turned to crap after that. I also discovered that it was a private label reel made for Dicks by Quantum. They make almost identical reels with slightly different names for other distributors. I also discovered that Dicks likes to put a really inflated list price on it so that it appears as though it's being sold at a significant discount. Truth is they all sell for about the same price point. Didn't like being snookered.

Posted Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:13 pm

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