
...that fish is not 6 and probably not even 5.

well, sorry - I held the thing in my hands - I guarantee it was at least 5 - as I initially said in the video, and you can plainly see the length in the pic with the tape measure. I'm a fairly big guy at 6'1" and 225 or so, so if you're judging it by my hand in the pic... and I'm also not holding out in front of me towards the camera, like so many people do. Rolling Eyes

The weight estimate comes not from me but from the Texas Parks and Wildlife service, which I linked to above, and if you've ever heard of Lake Fork or Sam Rayburn, they know a thing or two about bass management(the Texas state record largemouth is over 18 pounds). Yeah yeah, I know, this isn't Texas, we've been over that already...

You're entitled to your opinion.

Posted Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:24 pm

Tony- there is no way that you're 6'1" or 225. Maybe in Oklahoma you were that big, but in Mass, you're 6 feet tops and maybe 210. Very Happy

Dude, your fish is huge and it looks like great.

Posted Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:59 pm

yes tony u are correct about texas fish and game , but texas bass also have year round growing conditions. check it out for urself check when texas bass spawn im gonna say febuary, march, why dont mass bass spawn then .not try to be a dick just tryin to inform u i went to school for biology i know a little about this stuff. its still a great fish

Posted Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:02 pm

Awsome fish Tony!! Way to go!
Did you measure the girth? Bass pro shop web site has a fish estimator you could try? If you look at my pic on the left, that was my biggest fish caught last year. I had just bought a cheap scale from BPS. It was weighing in at 5lbs & about 21 inches. The pic is not very good. I was so dam excited, my hands were shaking. After I got home I used a 5lb bag of sugar to test the scale & it was dead on!
The scale I have is from BPS, I think I payed $6 for it. I going to get a new digital scale next. Just to be sure! Laughing

Posted Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:40 pm

It was not my intension to belittle Tonys fish. Its a hawg either way. But instead of opinions and guesses from both sides it makes sense to weigh it and be done with it. It amazes me some guys have 6 rod setups and all the tackle a man could want but dont have a scale ??? they practicly give the things away.

I have seen 5 lb fish under 20 inches and 4 lb over 20 I have seen a 29 inch bass weigh 5 lb 15 oz

Tell you what ....anyone reading this can catch and weigh fish and do the length girth chart stuff and see if they match up. They usualy dont. I have seen river bass weigh more per length than lake bass. I caught a 4.10 the other night and my buddy is screaming its def 6 pounds. I guessed high 4. There are plenty of 5 and 6 pound bass in photos on this site. Look at them and judge for yourselves.

Tony I should not of said a thing, its an awesome fish. I just question the methods used to estimate the weight thats all.

Posted Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:51 pm

awesome fish. the thing is, you never know...for an exact weight, the scale is a must have. i learned that one after last year. i've caught so many fish where it left me scratching my head wondering how the heck it wasn't 4 lb. or how the heck it was actually 2.5. either way, it definitely looks well over 3 and congrats. on finding the spot and landing that fish.

Posted Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:00 pm


Tony that is a great fish by anyones standards. I'm not trying to be a killjoy here but that fish is not 6 and probably not even 5.

Look at napa and angler21 collection of 5's and 6's and you will know what I mean.

I only bring this up because I am a big believer in the lengh girth estimates being bunk.

Its an awesome bass regardless.

From personal experience the Texas chart is well high from a MA perspective. Our fish tend to not be as fat as those year-round growing ones. Regardless, that is a damn nice fish.

Asking to compare to someone else's picture is all fine and dandy, but just keep in mind that not all pictures are created equal. Perspective will do a lot to a fish's size, and there's ample evidence of that on this site =)

Posted Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:53 pm

Fact is its a great fish. Just grab a scale so then no one can question it.

Also, i do enjoy the call outs of pictures on this site. We apologize that we have great photos taken of our fish. Would it be better if i told the person to go across the street? Go in a tree? or take a picture of the fishes lip and say its 5.6lbs?

No need to take shots at great photography, our weights are exact, and thats all that matters. A Pig is a Pig no matter the pitcure, why not take a great photo of the fish. 99% of the photos we take are an accurate depiction of the slobs we land (my profile pics is my fav picture but looks like a 10lber, but wouldnt change that photo for anything, cuz she was a beast Cool )

Those who take great photos, keep it up

Shout out to Angler21 for yet another pig yesterday!

Posted Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:05 pm

I couldn't agree more Napa. Great fish deserve great photo's- plain and simple. Also wouldn't spending 10 dollars on a scale make sense so you have the factual weight documented if weight is important to you? To me taking pictures of the fish is what you have to visually remember it by, and then you have the story or your memory to remember the fight and reel in. If your a catch and release fisherman which most of us our the photo is what goes on the wall, so be proud when you take the picture no matter what prespective you enjoy- that's your choice. If I catch a big fish I personally want to show it off and have it look big or at least the full size.

At the end of the day this message board has gotten off topic and I will still say great fish regardless of the picture or estimated weight. Also nice write up on the catch!


Posted Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:20 pm

Lets just fish ..........

Nice Larry...........Tony

See you all on Sunday

Posted Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:42 pm


Also, i do enjoy the call outs of pictures on this site. We apologize that we have great photos taken of our fish. Would it be better if i told the person to go across the street? Go in a tree? or take a picture of the fishes lip and say its 5.6lbs?

No need to take shots at great photography, our weights are exact, and thats all that matters. A Pig is a Pig no matter the pitcure, why not take a great photo of the fish. 99% of the photos we take are an accurate depiction of the slobs we land (my profile pics is my fav picture but looks like a 10lber, but wouldnt change that photo for anything, cuz she was a beast Cool )

Those who take great photos, keep it up

Just to clarify, I couldn't agree more. You catch a beast, you want the picture to feature the fish, not the guy holding it =) You guys are getting great shots, something I miss out on all too often since I fish by myself a lot.

The point I was making was that you can't compare pictures that easily, unless they are of similar angles.

Posted Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:36 pm

I posted pics and a video of a fish, including what it measured and an ESTIMATED WEIGHT - and got called a liar. I didn't call out anyone on anything... I've not seen anything here that I thought wasn't legit. I'm the one that got hammered for no reason.

oh, and samf - a gallon of milk weighs 8 pounds, so if you think my fish was only a 3 pounder, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

There - NOW you can call me an ass... despite my statement being truthful here as well. Rolling Eyes

Posted Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:02 pm

Great bass man, congrats Cool

Posted Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:19 pm

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