My father and I used to walk Traphole Brook in Walpole and other brooks nearby when I was a kid. We're heading up to NH this coming July and he'd like to fish for some trout. He has peripheral neuropathy in his legs, so he'd like to find some nice brooks/streams and walk them a bit like we did back then while he still can.

We'll be staying in Barnstead. Anyone know of any rivers up that way worth fishing?


Posted Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:37 am

Winnie River flows out of Alton Bay I believe but I have no clue how the fishing is. Go to N.H. Fish and Game Website they should have everything you need to know. I love Winnie, I go for a week every August.

Posted Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:36 am


Winnie River flows out of Alton Bay I believe but I have no clue how the fishing is. Go to N.H. Fish and Game Website they should have everything you need to know. I love Winnie, I go for a week every August.

Will check it out. Thanks!

Posted Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:47 am

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