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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

shawn white's Trips

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This user has 53 trips in their collection.
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Hangin with the boys

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 11
Views: 1485
Lake K

Today I met up with Kevin from Big Mouths and Scott from Bass Techs on one of Kevin's favorite spots. It was about 45 degrees when we started out with a high of 54. The water temp was 49-50. We got a couple of hours in before the wind kicked up. Scott started off the day with a trout on KVD. Then Kev picked up a 2 pounder off a rock and Scott picked up a 1- 1/2 pounder around the same spot. We had 2 boats and I was just kind of tailing them but had gone in the opposite direction from the rock they caught fish on. We circled those rocks without any more success so we decided to go across to the other shore that the wind was blowing at. Big mistake. We got over there and it was like being on a different lake. Lots of wind, waves and turbulence. We bounced outta of there and went back to where we started. After a few minutes I left those guys to go back to the rocks. I immediately caught a 1 pounder on a chatterbait (tackle grab) near where they both caught fish. There was a rock wall witha small floating dock near it. I made the cast and my line jumped and took off, I let him have it with a winters worth of eye crosses. Bam, fish on. I fight him to the boat, lip him and get him on board. He was short and fat (I love this time of year because of the huge guts on these fish). I weighed him up and he went 3.10. We fished for another hour or two with Kev picking up a dink and Scott another trout. I never would have met these guys without MAFF and I consider them friends. I look forward to doing more fun fishing like this. Smoke, Roger, Karl, Dan and Jeff are a few names that come to mind.

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Bye Bye New Boat Curse

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 12
Views: 1490

I went to one of my spots today and knew it was going to be the day I broke the curse. The water temps were between 53-55 yesterday and I figured they'd be like 57-58 today after all the sun. I was right. I went to the North bank and started working a KVD 2.5. I was alternating between the jig and the crankbait. There was a pretty good breeze so I had a good feeling about KVD. Darren got on the board first with a big old crappie on a KVD 1.5. We came up on some rocks that the wind was blowing at and I knew this was it. I threw my sexy shad 2.5 past a rock and as I approached the rock I was expecting the bait to deflect off of it. Instead it rode up one side and down the other. I said "I just dolphin dove that rock" (I have no idea what that means) and WHAM my crank gets slammed. He was feisty too. Lots of head shakes. D expertly netted him and we got him on board Rowsa II for some pics. He weighed 3.1 and made me happy happy happy. Darren ended the day with a dinner plate sized crappie. A nice 2 1/2 hours on the water. CURSE OVER

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A Bassasin joins the Coastguard
Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 6
Views: 1617
Lower Mystic Lake

I met up with Doug this morning at 9am on the Lower Mystic to see if we could crank up some smallies. We were both hoping the other would unlock some secret to this lake. Turns out I learned a little something about the points. This is a tough lake on a good day. Today was not a good day. The water temp was 47 when we started out and was up to 50 when we finished. I managed one dink Larry on a Bomber fat free shad. The only reason I made this a trip was for the cool title. But seriously, this is something I love about MAFF and the guys here. Hey man you wanna fish? Sure...everybody I've fished with that I met here is an awesome guy. We'll get em next time Doug.

Merrimack River 11/17/13

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 9
Views: 2371
Merrimack River

I went up to the Merrimack River in Methuen today from 10am to 4 pm. Air temp was 41 when I got there, got up to 47 I think and then back down to 41. Water temp was steady at 44. I was hoping to catch some smallies in shallow seeing that it was so sunny but that didn't happen. I threw crankbaits that covered the water column down to 20 ft. I'm not too experienced with rivers and have a lot to learn about how to read them. Not all cover is created equal. I think next year I will make the Merrimack my b****. Anyway, I did end up with one fish, a pike. I never caught one before. It was a pig. This is now the latest in the year that I've fished.

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Lower Mystic lake smallie fishing

Avg. Rating: 4.9333333333333
# Reviews: 15
Views: 7554
Lower Mystic Lake

Once again I had smallie's on my brain so I headed to the closest place I know that has them. Lower Mystic lake. I've never done much here. Some small Larry's but that's about it. I took a right from the launch and started right at the dam throwing a deep diving crank. Nothing I set the trolling motor on low and just started going down the shore line alternating between the deep crank, a squarebill KVD and a jig. I mixed a double bladed buzz in there for fun. No takers for like an hour and a half. I passed by the river entrance and headed back toward the launch. I was in 20 ft of water cranking a deep diving crank (bomber I think) and finally hooked up with a dink LMB. It's a start. Next cast I catch a 1 1/2 pound LMB. Getting better. A couple of casts later the lure gets stuck on the bottom and breaks off. Crap. Tie on another one and continue. Nothing. I switch to the squarebill and feel a hit. I set the hook and a dink smallie makes a jump. Ok at least I found what I was looking for. It was getting dark so I kicked up the trolling motor and started fishing faster. Nothing. As I was getting closer to the launch I decided to make a few more casts at the damn. Water is flowing from the upper lake and pouring into the lower with like a 2 foot waterfall stirring up the water. I cast a KVD squarebill sexy shad right into the froth. Wham! it gets hit right away. I set the hook and know it's huge. I was still thinking smallie and my mind was telling me 6-7 pounder. It kept making runs and stripping drag. As I got it closer to the boat I got a good look at it. STRIPER!!! My heart was pumping. I had it next to the boat and every attempt to net him failed as he kept surging and the popped off the hook. Crap. Next cast I put in the same spot. Wham! another fish on. I fight it again. Get it to the boat and it breaks off my KVD. I was about to tie on another crank when White Lightning stepped up. I loosened the drag and cast my jig to the same spot. Wham!!! This is unbelievable. Fish on. He's pulling me all around, stripping line. I fight him to the boat for the third time and this time I'm gonna lip him (no trebles) and pull him in. This is so awesome I actually take my iphone 5 out of it's waterproof case to take a pic (which still didn't come out great). I made a bunch more cast with the jig with no luck so I tied on another crank, get hit and the fish throws it. It's really dark now so I get outta there. I'm pretty sure I'll be back.

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Cold rain + Shawn= hypothermia
Avg. Rating: 4.8571428571429
# Reviews: 7
Views: 2594
Merrimack River

I didn't really get hypothermia but I was pretty uncomfortable today. Dunt and I had plans to go to the Quabbin res today but mother nature had other plans. We didn't want to drive all that way to get cut short by weather so we stayed local. I had smallies on the brain and since Dunt lives close to the Merrimack river that's where we went. When I got up and looked outside I was like, cool it's not raining. When I left the house the first drops began to fall as I walked to the car. Have I ever told you how much mother nature hates me? Well, it's a lot. I get to his house and the rain is steady. We get to the river and start unloading and it's the hardest rain of the day. WTF? We're here, we're fishing. We head out and I'm throwing a buzzbait and Dunt's throwing a KVD squarebill. Nothing. We go straight to our most productive spot named "The Tree of Life". No takers. I was switching between the buzz and KVD but something deep inside me said when it's raining, there can only be one hero...WHITE LIGHTNING!!!! I tied on the money jig, cast to a downed tree and hook up with a LMB probably just under 2 pounds. Dunt ties on a jig. Within a few minutes my line jumps and I set the hook. Swing and a miss. As I'm aboutto reel in for another cast I get hit again. It's fast. I feel the fish and then the line's cut. There are some big pickerel in there. We go a long time without any action. We decide to head back and as we are heading up the opposite bank I get a hit. It's a good fish but then gets off. I blame it on being frozen. It was raining off and on and the temp was around 55. At this point I'm shuddering a bit and am just uncomfortable. I make a cast to a tree branch, feel the tic and set the hook. Another Larry about 2 pounds. We continue up the bank and come to a long black rubbery looking dock. I set the hook and finally get the jumping super fighting smallie. These are my favorite fish by far. I fight it all the way to the boat and decide to swing it in but just rip the hook out and she's gone. I counted it. As we were close to Dunt's house he requested to be let off to run home for a few and he'd meet me up the river. I didn't catch any fish while I was alone but I did lose another jig. This time stuck on the bottom. My top 2 producing jigs gone. Looks like it's time to restock. I meet up with Dunt and shortly after he hooks up with a fat little Larry about the same as my two. We give the tree of life another shot but since Dunt's wife made chicken soup and he reported to me that it was awesome we decide that it's time to pack it up.

We get to his house and the chicken soup is indeed delicious. It was actually the best soup I had ever had. It wasn't the trip we had been thinking about but it's always a good time with Dunt rain or shine and when there's some fish involved.

Sorry no pics or video. We deemed them unworthy

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Horn Pond Cranking

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 11
Views: 1984
Horn Pond

I got my new KVD Cranking rod on Sunday right after the tourney. Today was the first chance I got to try it out. The wind was howling at a steady 15 mph with gust to 25. What other crankbait would I tie on first other than KVD 1.5 chartruese with black back. I threw that around for a bit. But I was thinking about drop offs. I know of a couple of places at Horn that has them. Just to the left of the ramp is one spot. I tied on a Bomber deep diving fat free shad. I was in 18 feet of water casting at the shoreline and dragging the bait down the drop. I could feel it bumping along the bottom when it gets slammed. I set the hook and then start thinking the fish missed it because I couldn't really feel it. It came out of the water like a missile. I swear that Larry thought he was a Sally. I got him in, snapped a pic and let him go. I got one more fish on a buzzbait and that was it. I really like the way that cranking rod feels. It's amazing how well things work when you have the right tool for the job.

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Finally got out

Avg. Rating: 4.8888888888889
# Reviews: 9
Views: 2892
Pillings Pond

I haven't fished since Sunday. I grabbed my new Boag Hog Baits swim jigs and headed out determined to bag a few fish. I only had 3 hours so I needed to make the most of it. Within 1o minutes I had my 1st fish out of a tree branch. 10 more minutes and I had a nice fish that was hanging out under a wooden foot bridge. I thought I'd get more than 1 off the bridge but no. I was throwing at any branches and downed trees I could see. There was a good sized branch floating alone. I picked up a shorty of that. I lost a decent fish after casting into a downed branch I wasn't sure if I felt something and I half assed the hook set. He threw the hook. I was fishing around an island with a house on it. A couple of guys on the porch say hi and ask about the fishing. It's going good and then wham I get nailed of a log. It's fun having an audience. They ask how much it weighs so I weigh it. 3 pounds even. It's starting to get dark and I wanted to throw the slammer around. 3rd or 4th cast I'm waking it real slow and I see a wake come up behind it and just suck it in. I set the hook and have a decent fish here. At least a 4 pounder. He jumps and throws the hooks. I couldn't believe it. I drilled him and have some sick owner hooks on that thing. Oh well, I keep casting as I work my way back to the ramp. I have no more hits and am really bumming about the slammer. I just can't seem to build that confidence. I'm not giving up though.

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2 1/2 hours on Upper Mystic

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 15
Views: 2502
Upper Mystic
This lake is pretty close to my house but until this year I haven't spent much time there. It's always hit or miss with more misses (or so it seems) until I set myself up with a Skeet Reese flipping stick. Now I can fish those pads with confidence. I started off by taking a left off the ramp and going past the boat club. I started throwing a jig around the docks and bagged a 3 lb Larry on my 3rd or 4th cast (WHITE LIGHTNING). I worked my way down hitting all of the floating docks and boat buoy's with the jig or a crankbait with no luck. I got to the first pod of pads and worked the edges with the jig and the crank. Still no takers so I pull out the 8' black and yellow flippin stick. I have a 1 1/2 ounce tungsten flippin weight with a red 4/0 gamakatsu hook and a red and black Havock wide load for a bait. I'm liking these Havock plastics. They're cheap and they catch fish. I've been getting better and better with my presentation. At first, when I was pitching this setup it was like a bomb was hitting as it entered the water. I've got it going in a lot more smoothly now. (That's what she said) I make a cast, it hits the water with a light splash and shoots to the bottom like only a 1 1/2 ounce weight can. Right away I feel the tic tic tic and set the hook. I have the rod tip way up high and am reeling in as fast as I can. The fish comes right up to the top and I pull him through the pads without incident. Here's the funny part. I netted the 3 pounder but swung aboard the 4 pounder. After I did it I was like WTF? I hardly ever swing fish in especially if they're big. I think it may have been something about the power of the rod or something. I weighed him to make sure my 4 pound guess was right. 4.3 was the official Shawn White weight. I didn't catch anything after this and left about an hour later. I was wicked tired

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Merrimack River and Fosters pond 8/26

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 6
Views: 2509
Merrimack River and Fosters pond

Today I met up with my buddy Dunt for a little smallmouth fishing on the Merrimack River in Methuen. Not long after we hit the water Dunt makes a cast over a downed tree with a KVD square bill and gets whacked right away. A nice little smallie does some jumps and he gets it over the tree no problem. We move to the other side of the tree and he picks up a nice Larry. I get hit on the jig and lose a small one at the side of the boat. We fish a little ways down and didn't get anything so we went back to the downed tree. There was actually a few trees and lots of wood in the water. There was also a lot of grass on the open water side. I made a cast that way and was rewarded with a nice smallie. Merrimack smallie are wicked dark. We take some pics and within a few casts my KVD gets slammed. A nice 3.14 Larry. We go back to the original tree, Dunt makes the same cast and hooks up with a bigger smallie than the first one. It even jumped over the tree for him. Totally awesome. Dunt picks up a couple of small fish and then the bite basically shut off. We packed up the car and threw the boat back on the roof and headed to our favorite pond...Fosters. By the time we got there it was sunny and hot. We start casting our KVD's at the shadows and wood structure but Dunt starts off the catching with a bass that hits right near the boat. A nice Larry. We fish our way out to the main lake with Dunt picking up a perch. I switch over to the jig and pig and come up with a nice fish. He was all riled up and gave us a crazy tail walk splash right near the boat that hit me right in the face. We take some pics and release him. 2 or 3 casts later and I grab another crazy splashy bass. We make our way around catching several more fish. Around 2 we decide to head out but we're gonna take our time and try to grab a few more on the way out. Success. I grabbed 2 more quality fish on the way out. A great day on the water. Lots of laughs and lots of fish

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1st place at Mashpee/Wakeby with a 20 pound bag

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 18
Views: 2448

I threw my hat in the ring on Thursday night to see if I could get on a boat and Kevin picked it up. I wanted that custom rod. Neither one of us had ever been here before but I was hearing things like there's gonna be big bags. We were to launch 5th (sorry Neil I still have the chip). When we left we decided to just go a little ways down from the ramp and start fishing. Kev drops the trolling motor and we start casting. He grabs an almost 2 pound smallie right away on the jig. That was the last fish on a jig too. I was walking the dog and Kev started throwing a buzzbait. Wham, his buzzer gets slammed as it went by some weeds. 4 pound Larry. We fished until we got near a beachy area and decided to check out the islands. We got to the first island and as we were fishing that marine officer or whatever he was rolled up on us. We thought he was checking our licenses or something but he just wanted to chat. After he left us we moved over to the shoreline to check out the docks. I pick up a 1 1/2 pound smallie on a baby brush hog. As we're moving down the shore Kev's buzzer gets slammed again. This time by a giant smallie that came in just under 4 pounds. We cranked up the motor and moved a little further down. Not long after stopping I spied a block of cement in the water that looked like it was used for a boat mooring at one tome but the buoy was no longer there. I pitched my baby brush hog to it and felt a tic as it neared the bottom. I set the hook and it didn't give at all. kev asked if it was bottom and for a split second I wasn't sure...until my drag ripped off. I fought the fish to the side of the boat and Kevin netted it for me. BAM!!! We weigh him and slap a high five because it's over 5. As the adrenaline was wearing off Kevin says "I forgot about the rod". Holy crap so did I. A 5 pounder could definitely get me that rod. Kev picks up fish number 5 and now we're looking to cull. We headed back in the direction that we started off in the morning. I make a cast to a weed line in about 4 feet of water and the baby brush gets whacked. The fish jumps and we see a huge smallie. We get it in the boat and I couldn't even get a weight on it from all his thrashing and my adrenaline pumping. I'm F it it's almost 4 get it in the cooler. We picked up a few more fish as it closed in on 2 o'clock but nothing to help us. We got to weigh in and came up with over 20 pounds (I'm waiting for the official results as I can't remember the number). My 5.4 goes for lunker and AJ hooks me up with a sweet custom jig/worm rod.

Thanks AJ that rod is so awesome I can't wait to get out on the water tomorrow. I named it White Lightning.

Thanks for texting me Kev. We make a pretty good team.

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Beck Pond 8/1/2012
Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 4
Views: 2997
Beck Pond Hamilton Ma

I haven't done a trip in a while. I've been thinking about Beck pond lately and when one of my facebook fishing groups called Addicted to Fishing (you should join) asked for video with a shout out to the group I was inspired to head out there and see what this place looks like in the summer. It was about what I expected. Pads along most of the shoreline and lots of grass and hydrilla (I think. I'm no marine biologist ya know). As always I started out on top. But this trip was not only to make a video but also to try out a new lure made for walking the dog. This year has been dedicated to learning new techniques and this has been one that I didn't have much luck with in the past. Time to change that. My first hit of the day came on a wake bait but I lost him at the boat. He could have been pushing 2 pounds. Then I caught a pickerel on the new dawg. I was casting to the edge of the pads that was about 3 feet of water. I was using a camera on a tripod and one on my hatcam. After I made a cast and cranked it a couple of times (Walking the dog is fairly easy to do) I thought maybe I didn't turn on hatcam. As I was checking, the dawg got hit. I set the hook and he made an awesome jump. I got him to the boat and netted him (another thing I'm learning to use). The camera work at that point is a little shoddy but I get excited. Over the past 2 seasons I've caught a lot of fish in this range but I still get pumped like it's all new to me. If this stops happening I'm quitting fishing. I hope you like the video.

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my honey hole

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 3
Views: 2097
Honey Hole

Hit up the honey hole for about 4hours. Bagged some nice fish on the double bladed buzzbait and got 4 fish on the MS Slammer.

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Quabbin Res 5/20/2012

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 8
Views: 3186
Quabbin Reservoir

Me and the Bassasin's hit the Q on Sunday for some smallie action. We had heard that they were hanging out in the 15-20 ft range but couldn't find them there. We checked a little deeper with no results and then moved in a little. We saw fish on beds so we caught them instead. The morning was nice and cool but by noon it was in the 80's. We caught a bunch of smallies. The only one not taken off a bed was the biggest. Dunt bagged a 3.14 on a KVD square billed crank in about 10 feet of water around some of the coolest rock structure I've ever seen. I'm hoping to get back up there next week.

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My Boone Beast PB

Avg. Rating: 4.9411764705882
# Reviews: 17
Views: 3815
Lake F'n Boone

All anglers strive to catch the biggest fish and I am no different. A common goal in this part of the world is a 5 pounder. That is a lunker. I have come close. Last year i weighed in a 4.13 at Billington. This year I made it my number one goal. I was gonna try proven big bait tactics. I've been throwing around big swimbaits all spring. I bagged a 4.14 at my favorite honey hole. So close!!!! Leading up to the tourney at Boone my partner told me he may not make it and then confirmed that. I decided to fish it myself. We have all seen the pigs that Angler21 pulls out of there. Last year I lost one in the pads and to top it all off the tourney was the day after a goddam super moon (last year at Dudley there were some pigs caught the day after a full moon). All of this was weighing on me. I had a good feeling. I'm gonna go to Boone by myself. Last year I didn't stray too far from the launch so my plan was to try to get ahead of the pack and just get out to the main lake. I was cranking like crazy with a KVD 1.5 that has been catching fish all spring with only 1 pick to show. I went through all my cranks. All depths. Threw all my 4 inch swimbaits. Threw some jerkbaits and even threw a senko for a bit. By 9 I was thinking this isn't working. I gotta fish the bottom. Normally I would go with a texas rigged plastic but a little voice was saying try the jig. I only own 4-5 jigs that I bought from Boag Hog baits at the begining of the Spring and I had some plastic pork shaped trailers that I bought in 1999 or so. I was targeting any depth changes that I could find near structure. My boat was sitting in 15 ft of water and I was casting around a dock with a buoy about 10 feet away from it. It took all I had in me to slow down and let that jig get to the bottom and just sit there. Like 99% of my fishing is fast or too fast. That little voice was just talking to me...wait...don't move it...wait...then the line started moving. I don't know about you guys but I read a lot of fishing articles and one thing that gets repeated over and over (I've seen it here too) is CROSS HIS EYES!!!!! So I did and I knew it was a pig right away. I was using a 6'6" St Croix Mojo with a 7:1 BPS Pro Qualifier spooled with 10 lb Fluro (my 1st season using this as well). Sticking with the theme I stayed patient and played him out. I was praying to any god that would listen to let me land him and I was granted my prayer. When I lipped him and got him aboard my heart was pumping and my brain was screaming "GET THE SCALE"!!!! I fumbled around, got it out and powered it up...6.2 OMFG that's my biggest fish ever and in a tourney to boot. I snap a quick pic with my phone and call the other two Bassasin's. They both say the same thing, get back to fishing!!!!!! So I did. I stayed on that spot for about a half an hour with no results. I started moving down the shore line looking for the same water and picked up small fish that I didn't even weigh. I was thinking 1 1/2. Along come the bigmouths who I talk to a bit and we started the usual talk but I couldn't contain myself and told them what I had and even busted it out. I told them where I caught it too (I like competition but I'm not an a-hole) and they went to that spot and immediately caught a 3 pounder. I tried to get some of their second place cash but they weren't in a sharing mood. The wind kicked up so I crossed over to the other side hoping the windblown shoreline would produce some action. I picked up a 12 incher and put him in the cooler with a warning not to go near the beasts mouth. I fished my way back towards the launch but crossed back over to where I caught the pig around 12:45 hoping to put another one in the cooler. Nope. As I was heading back in I started wondering to myself how far away did I actually go? I was giving myself 30 minutes to get back. I pulled up the map app on my iphone and nearly sh*t when I saw how far I had to go. This is gonna be close. I threw the 40 to 5 and held on!!! Get outta my way kayakers!!!! I got a package here. The second I felt like I was losing power, I stopped and changed batteries. Wow a fresh battery and no partner...I was flying. Since all I had to do is steer, I ate my pb&j's that my wife had made me and chugged some water. The whole time I'm watching the little blue dot on my phone inch it's way toward the weigh in area. I got there at 1:55. YES!!!!! Now I was pretty sure I had lunker but like I said earlier, I've seen Jeff's pics. So after everybody weighed in, I was only thinking lunker, I didn't think I was in the top three. I heard my name for third and lit up like a little kid in a candy store. Total awesomeness. On the way back to the ramp I called Dunt who was suppose to be with me and in my best Donald Trump voice I said "Dunt, YOU'RE FIRED". Thanks guys. All of you have made me a better fisherman and a pretty good writer I might add.

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Darren's 1st of 2012 and personal best

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 9
Views: 3116
Beck Pond Hamilton Ma

Today Darren and I hit up Beck Pond. We got there around 9am. Air temp was 31 degrees and surface temp was 47. We started off throwing topwaters (sounds crazy but I've already got fish on the frog this year). It was kind of windy so we set out with the wind at our pack. We got half way around the pond before we got a fish. D picked up a pick. Then I got a pick. D was probably catching them 2-1 to me. He was using a KVD 1.5 square bill in Chartuse with black back, you know the one everybody bought last year after KVD won a tourney on it. We came up to a nice laydown. D cast's into and he's bouncing the lure off the branches when WHAMMY!!! Fish on. He didn't say anything so I didn't realize it was a big boy (or girl) until I saw it. My first words were that's a 5 pounder. He fought it expertly. It was trying like hell to get back in that tree. He got it beside the boat and I lipped it for him and handed it over. 6.5 on the scale. D's personal best. I love when my bud's catch lunkers almost as much as I like catching them. Overall we caught a ton of fish. My biggest bass was 2.12. (also caught on the KVD. What??? You know I tied it on after that pig!!!!

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Beck Pond
Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 8
Views: 3020
Beck Pond Hamilton Ma

I spent the day at Beck Pond in Hamilton. It was my first time there. It's only 36 acres with a max depth of 10 feet. It was raining when I got there. Surface temp was 57 and stayed that way the whole time. I started off throwing a 4 inch trout colored swimbait, a mouse, a jointed rapala and a camo colored senko. After a couple of hours of nothing but a swipe at the mouse and changing baits numerous times I ties on a baby perch stick bait. I hooked up with a shorty right away and then a few pickerel. I stayed with that lure for the rest of the day and bagged a bunch of picks and 4 or 5 bass. None of them were worthing bragging about but catching that many fish is fun...so I made a video

Dunt's 1st of 2012

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 7
Views: 2816
Foster Pond

I met up with my buddy Mark (Dunt) around 4 o'clock today (March 12, 2012) We hit our favorite honey hole and we were not let down. We really took our time and tried to fish slow. After about an hour we started to see some baitfish activity. I got the first hit. A short strike on the silver and black jerkbait. Dunt was throwing the same bait in a gold and red pattern (I think). I switched over to my second favorite topwater bait, the mouse. I started get nips but nothing solid. Then Dunt hooks up and hauls in a good sized fish, maybe 3 pounds ( I think the scales in Darrens bag). I hook up right after with the mouse and then one more time. Both of those fish were near wood. Then it got dark. So we wrapped it up. I like when Dunt catches a fish. Then he doesn't whine. He also caught a sunfish but who cares

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Nuttings Pond March 7, 2012

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 11
Views: 3790
Nuttings Pond, Billerica Ma

I got about an hour and a half on the water. I've never been to this pond before. It's small, shallow and weedy. I started off throwing a 1/4 black Boag Hog lead free jig with a black and blue plastic trailer. I was alternating the jig, a sexy shad suspending jerk bait and an 8 inch trout swimbait. It was pretty windy. I started on the North side of the pond. I've read this side gets more sun. I just let the wind push me down the shore line. I was casting the jig at all the wood I could see with no luck. I was getting more green weeds than I thought I would with the jerk bait and the swim bait. I switched out the sexy shad for a $1.99 BPS Jerk bait. Silver body/black back. That's a go to color combo for me. When I reached the shoreline where the wind was blowing on, I got my first hit of the year. I was barely reeling. I felt the bite and set the hook. He wasn't that far from the boat. When I got him close I could see that he only had one hook in his mouth. I lipped him and pulled him aboard. This is the earliest in the year I've caught a bass. I'm gonna try again with my buddy D tomorrow if it's not too windy.

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Brackett pond in Harold Parker State forest
Avg. Rating: 4
# Reviews: 2
Views: 12182
Andover, Ma

Decided to hit up one of the ponds at Harold Parker in Andover after work yesterday. It wasn't raining when I left the house but was coming down pretty hard when I got there. I had my rain gear with me so no problem there. My plan was to buzzbait the place to death. I don't care what anyone says. That bait works anytime, any day. So I start buzzing, and buzzing, and buzzing...ok maybe it's not gonna work. I switch over to a senko and start working around some pads...nothing. I switch colors several times but not even a line twitch. I start chucking a black and yellow spinnerbait around with a silver colorado blade. I was wondering the whole time where did I get this lure? I'd never buy a Pittsburg Steelers lure. Off it comes. I only brought a couple of lures with me so I'm down to either a black spinnerbait or going back to the plastics or the buzzbait. Buzzbait it is. 2 or 3 cast later I score my first lmb...a dink. I catch a couple of more dinks on it and I'm just happy for the action. Then I get a nice hit on it and think finally something to feel good about. I land the fish and it's a heavy one. The rain stops and i'm happy for that. The water flattened out and was perfect for topwater. I caught a couple of more dinks and another decent fish around 2 pounds when it started getting dark. I make a cast that was basically all open water. After a couple of reel cranks I get the topwater explosion of a lifetime. I nearly sh*t my pants!!! I got a good look at the fish and I'll just say it was big. It smacked the lure straight up into the air. I couldn't believe what just happened. So I take a few deep breaths and start working my way back to my car praying for another big boy to hit. That didn't happen. I think I'm gonna go back today. Maybe get me a Lunkah!

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Quabbin in the Fall

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 9
Views: 2931
Quabbin Reservoir

Today my buddy Darren and I hit the Q for the first time this year and it's the first time we've been here this late in the year. We were hoping that the water temps would have cooled enough to get the smallies schooled up but that hasn't happened yet. The water temp was 67 degrees when we got started around 6:30 or so. D bagged a 2 pounder right away on a buzzbait and of course we start thinking here we go it's gonna be a great day. He didn't get another fish all day and missed a couple. I caught my first fish on a dropshot in about 30 feet of water. It was a teeny tiny perch. Yay me. My next fish was a short smallie also caught on a dropshot in 34 ft of water. That was pretty cool. That's the deepest bass I've ever caught. This was my first day with a fishfinder. (I have a lot to learn there) We kept alternating between deep water and shallow (Hitting everything in between). My third and best fish was a 2 1/2 pound smallie on the buzzer in about 5 feet of water that was rocky. Although it threatened to all day it only rained a little but during the hardest rain of the afternoon I bagged my fourth fish that was about a 1 pound LMB. I was kind of bummed because I thought we'd catch more deep water fish. I was finding structure but not marking fish and not catching fish. I hope I can get out there one more time before it closes for the year. As a footnote I'd like to add that my buddy Dunt bailed on going due to a rainy forecast.

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Fresh by day. Salt by night

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 3
Views: 6670
Fosters Pond and Boston Harbor

I hit my new favorite pond on Saturday morning around 6:30 am. I started off throwing a black buzzbait with no results. I switched over to a tiny torpedo and picked up a fat sunfish. I was alternating between the buzzbait, tiny torpedo and a variety of rubber worms with no luck at all. I headed out to a pad field at the end of the lake as the sun was up and there were no clouds. Nothing. Not even a dink. The wind started coming up strong and I decided to pound the shoreline with my plastics. I switched to a black/blue craw and I finally get my first hit of the day. Of course I lose it about half way to the boat. Now I am talking to myself and actually wake a guy up who was napping on his dock. I'm using the wind to drift along the shore line and as I come into a cove I see the wind has a pile of stick/grass/schmegma right at the beginning of it. I'm thinking theres gotta be a bass sitting there picking off anything that comes by. I cast right on top of the pile and slowly drag the bait into the water. BAM! Fish on and I know it's a good one. After a nice fight I lip him and get him onboard I'm thinking 4 pounder. Right on 4 lbs 5oz. After snapping a couple of pics I thank him and send him on his way. I spent the next hour and a half throwing at any stick/schmegma pile I could find with the wind blowing the water at it...no luck so I wrapped it up knowing I was going striper fishing later that night. After a nice nap and a little Dinner I take my nephew and meet up with my partner Darren to hit the Harbor. We launch his boat "Meatballs" around 8:45 and the weather couldn't be more perfect. We are gonna be fishing with live eels for the first time this summer. We get to the spot and Darren is eeled up and fishing. I get my nephew set up and he's fishing. I eel up and announce to the boys "last one in is gonna get the first fish". Not long after I get a bump. I say I'm getting a hit. Darren says are you sure it's not the eel, It's been a while since we used them. Perfect timing I set the hook as he's saying them and my line starts peeling of the reel. I wish I could have seen my own face cuz I know my smile was ear to ear and I had a big fish on. After what seemed forever I got him near the boat. When he saw the boat he went on a second run. I use 20 pound braided line with a 60 pound mono leader so there's no horsing these big boys. Patience is the name of the game. I fight him back to the side of the boat and D grabs him for me. We get him on the scale and he goes 22 pounds. Awesome!!! We all caught fish that night, 2 for me and one each for the other guys. All keepers. (we only kept one for my nephew to bring home). A great day on the water

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Foster's Pond

Avg. Rating: 5
# Reviews: 8
Views: 9093
Fosters Pond Andover, Ma

Spent Sunday fishing with my buddy Dunt. Caught a bunch of fish. Most of them were on the small side but my Buddy Dunt came up with a 4 pounder and lost another big boy right at the boat.

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Secret spot

Avg. Rating: 4.1666666666667
# Reviews: 6
Views: 2172
Secret Honey Hole

Went shore fishing at my favorite Honey hole for only the second time this year on Thursday afternoon. The temp gauge in my car read 103 degrees at 6pm. The heat does not bother me. I was tossing a green and white Senko. I've never used the Yamamoto Senko before. I noticed that they don't stay on the hook very long. I was losing one for each fish. Any way I ended up with 8-9 fish ranging from a dink to one just over 3 pounds. I didn't think I was gonna be there until after dark but since I was catching fish I kept on doing the one more cast routine. This is where I learn my lesson about preparation. I'm usually pretty good about it too. Well of course once it was dark, I hooked up with my biggest fish and the hook was deep. Flashlight? Nope. I used the flash on my iphone (I have an app that will keep it on). Needle nose pliers? Nope. I had one of those multi tools that are kind of stubby. I managed to remove the hook and save the fish but paid the ultimate price. It took me what seemed like forever to get that hook out. All the while pouring sweat. Holy Mosquito bite Batman!!!! I must of had 50 bites on me. I had put on some cutter earlier but must have sweated it all out. Needless to say I was at Dick's the next day. Headlamp? check. Needle nose pliers? Check. Bug spray? Check. I took a pic of every fish and even though none of them was a pig, I love them all the same...I love to fish.

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